It's summertime and that (for us) means swimming, swimming and more swimming! We were invited over to a friend's house for an End of School swim session and offered to bring a fruit salad for the kids (from ages 2-7).
I thought about it for a bit, and decided to make single serving fruit cups in case the kiddos were in and out of the pool and needed a quick snack. I was all out of mini bowls ('cause I'm always out of mini bowls) and so I turned to my #1 go to - the ice cream cone. My kids will eat just about anything out of an ice cream cone!
Fruit Cones are super easy to make, and my kids had fun "stuffing" the cones with fruit they thought their friends would like...aka...all strawberries 😂
Fruit Cones
We made the icing using a version of a recipe I use on our cinnamon rolls (cough...cough...find those here: and just used store bought cones like these:
First you dip the cones in the icing and let them dry/harden on foil or parchment paper.
I let my kiddos help me dip the cones. I'll let you figure out which ones they did!
We used assorted fruit in our cones - we chose strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, oranges, apples and grapes. We cut them up into smaller pieces to fit inside the cones, and to also help the younger kiddos eat them.
After the cones are dry (about 5-10 minutes) just sit back and let the kids do the work!
These were a hit at the swim party (and maybe a couple before) with the kids and adults! We will definitely make these again! Enjoy!
**The icing recipe:
3 tbsp milk or water
1/4 tsp vanilla (optional)
2-3 cups powdered sugar - add a cup at a time to the milk/vanilla and stir in additional as needed. It should be thick but easy enough to dip cones in.
let us know if you try these!