So I know this is a "farm blog" but I'm also a momma, and before we started this farm life of ours, we actually traveled places (Mom, can the chickens come with us??? Ummmmno) . Anyway, I wrote this a while back and still think it's helpful today so I wanted to share it here on the BBF blog! Happy summer y'all!


6 Steps to Surviving Summer Travel

Being the mother of three small children (at one point, ages 4, 2 and “new”), I know how hard it can be to do…well…just about anything, and that includes flying.  But guess what?  People with children deserve to go places too, visit their friends and family too, drink margaritas on a beach too…you get my point.

  I have flown several times with my children, sometimes with my main squeeze and sometimes solo, and I’ve learned a few things along the way, mostly from trial and MAJOR error (OMG...There was the one time I overheard the passengers in front of us saying “we’re never having children” because my son was throwing a total fit after we missed our connection, and he missed his nap) so I get it! 

My last trip I flew alone from Denver, CO to Austin, TX with my 4, 2 and new and believe it or not,  I got a few “your children are well behaved” and “good job mom” comments on our way out.  (Before we took off --- totally different.  I got a few “you’re nuts” and a few judgemental looks/heavy breathing when setting eyes upon us). At this point I was totally asking myself, “is 10am too early to order a drink?!”  But, it went great, and I think it was because I took a few simple steps in preparing for our flight. These should help keep your kids occupied...which will help keep the other passengers happy about you flying with tiny humans...which will help keep your stress level down so you might actually ENJOY yourself (who am I kidding, see drink  comment above). 

Step 1:  Snacks on Crack.  Snacks are a must.  Your own snacks are a must.  But, not just any snacks…and not just any snack container.  Let me introduce you to Snacks on Crack.  My amped up version of airplane (or car ride) snacking.


I took two string sorting containers (one for the 4 year old, one for the 2year old) and divided small amounts of different snacks into each compartment. The kids not only get a variety of snacking options, but they have fun deciding what they will eat first, what they will eat next, what they will save for later, how many gummy bears they have compared to raisins (you see how this is taking up time…my evil plan is working).

Step 2: Water bottles. I always bring my kiddos water bottles with us when we fly because kids plus small airplane cups plus small tray tables is SURE to end in disaster. I just bring them empty and fill them once we’re through security (most airports have filling stations) and the kids sip on them all throughout the day. They don’t ever run out of water and I don’t have to worry about having to explain to the passengers in front of us why they are now drenched in OJ.


Got this three pack of water bottles at Costco for $11! Boom!  


Step 3: Surprises. Each kiddo of mine takes a backpack on the plane with them (backpacks are also a good choice when flying– they are small, they can be carried, and put on/off while still in your seats so you won’t have to crowd the isle of the plane) and usually fill it with crayons/paper, their favorite books, and Snacks on Crack. Right before we leave for the airport I sneak in a couple of surprises. Last time it was paper and stickers, and some “tinker toy” type things that I found in the $1 section of Target. They find them, they play with them, they smile, they are distracted. Boom. Best surprise to date: play dough. It took up over an hour of time on the plane. I call that a win.

Step 4: Headphones. BECAUSE THE IPAD JUST DOESN’T WORK WITHOUT SOUND! Yes, my kids get to watch the iPad, or a movie on a plane. Because, I’m not a crazy woman.


You can thank me later. I found some fairly inexpensive headphones at WalMart (think $9.99) and they plug right into my iPad or other device. Then my kids can play Angry Birds (how annoying can one game be?!) from wheels up to wheels down for all I care. 

Step 5: Umbrella Stroller. I love my kids, especially when they are strapped down and unable to run away from me. Navigating the airport with not one, not two but THREE small children can be totally overwhelming. Having at least two of them in a stroller totally helps with that…it helps me keep track of them all and helps with the “carry me”, “hold me”, “I wanna walk”,“I’m tired of walking” scenarios that are playing out in my head right now…they sit in the stroller until we’re at the gate. Then you can gate check that sucker and they can get right back into it when getting off the plane and going to get luggage (why are car seats the LAST thing they take off). Plus if you have three, like me, the oldest can push so your hands are free to drink margaritas and eat bon bons!


Step 6: Bribes. Yeah, that’s right I said it. And, I’m not above it. If my kids behave they get a Ring Pop upon landing. They ask about that damn Ring Pop from the moment we get to the airport until we’ve landed and I can literally see the drool dripping from their tiny mouths. It works, real well.

**Side tip from my sister Jane. Pack a couple of “emergency only” balloons. In case you get stuck in an airport unexpectedly for a missed connection (not me, no never) or a long layover (horrible planning on my part) balloon games can provide hours of entertainment. Just make sure you give it away to someone else before boarding, because, a balloon popping…on a crowded airplane…you get the picture. **


Happy traveling! These tips also work for grumpy husbands!

 **what did we miss?? Share your own tips and tricks with us!** 
